At work, I heard someone ask one of my co-workers outside of the store: "Who is the new guy?"
I smiled and waved.
I arrived here later than almost everyone. Many of the people have been here for over a month and, even though this is the first season for most people, the cliques have already been established. I have some catching up to do as far as establishing myself with any certain group of friends. Or maybe I should be fighting that very thing. I think God may be using me to reach out to those who aren't in any cliques and who don't have many/any friends here. Today, when I was counting the cash from the cash register the general manager walked by and asked me if I was assimilating well. I lied and told a half truth.
I seem able to meet people but I have tended to shy away from certain social situations (mostly the night life) because of certain conditions (mostly the excessive drinking and non-stop chain smoking). Other than that I am thriving on the community and attitude here. Especially during the day; we are supposed to portray a friendly facade for those staying at the lodge/resort. It makes me in a good mood. Everyone is very friendly and talkative during the day. Frankly, I think I max out my capacity for new names everyday.
Anyway, today is the first day that it didn't rain. I will be attributing this feat to the fact that I saw a new girl getting a tour of the area. She seems to be my counter opposite. She arrived with sunshine and blue skies whereas I arrived with the luggage of puffy clouds and down-pouring. I took advantage of this by going on my first real hike up Signal Mountain (although I don't know if it can be classified as a mountain if we mounted it in an hour). Ascending the hill I talked with two girls, one of which is a lapsed Baptist. We talked about problems in the church and selfish motives behind them. At the peak of the mountain was a great view but we had to share it with a thousand mosquitoes and a female grouse. Sadly, she had the best seat in the house; perched proudly in a pine tree overlooking the cliff.
I think I'll always be the new guy here as long as I'm still amazed at the landscape and the wildlife that inhabits it.
For the last 7 or 8 years, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of evolution
and the idea that we, as individuals, are extremely dynamic; we are always
10 years ago
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