God leaves us traces of truth in the world. It is our duty to look for His truth. We can be assured that God will reveal His truth to us. I am looking and God is showing me His truth through new perspectives even after leaving Grand Teton National Park.
Over the course of the summer, I thought a lot about humans and our limited perspective on life. We tend to think we are more important than in reality. Yet, our entire understanding of human experience exists within a small slice of perspective: the human perspective. On one hand, we are composed of tiny, almost invisible particles but, at the same time, there is a massive universe outside of us that is so vast we cannot begin to grasp its size. We view everything through the perspective that we are the ones bridging the gap between the tiny particles and the entire universe. We are merely resting in between the large and small. Our perspective is not large or small. Our perspective is not all encompassing. Unlike God, our perspective is limited. To us, the life of a mosquito seems infinitesimally insignificant. Meanwhile, the little insect has a goal that it is trying to reach. Like the mosquito's life, it is so easy for us to ignore whatever is not seemingly relevant to ourselves, but we must be vigilant of God's truth and look for it in places beyond ourselves; even in the life of a mosquito. Next time you get bit by a tiny winged insect, take a step back from your gut reaction to squash it and observe God's creative power; how every creature is carrying out its duty. Think about life from a different perspective and, while you are thinking about that, thank God His perspective is not like ours.
If God is large enough to have created the universe; a universe in which we can barely grasp its size, shouldn't we seem so infinitesimally insignificant to God? But God is not limited by perspective. Unlike our failure to understand the mosquito's perspective, God can understand our tiny perspective. In fact, because God has an unlimited perspective, He is able to understand the large and small; he is able to understand us and love us.
So much of life is wasted because we fail to see it from a different point of view. We fail to recognize something amazing because we are so bogged down with the routine of life. Have you ever been talking with someone and noticed how they see beauty in something you were never able to notice beauty in before? There is a certain truth that can be found in trying to walk in someone else's shoes.
If God decided to walk in our shoes, shouldn't we try to walk life in other's shoes and see what they see? Shouldn't we try to think outside of our own box? God has given humans the ability to think about things logically and we should use this gift He has endowed us with to think about life from a different perspective. If we do this, we are destined to find a truth we have never seen from our own perspective; we are destined to find truth in a new perspective.
For the last 7 or 8 years, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of evolution
and the idea that we, as individuals, are extremely dynamic; we are always
10 years ago
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